So what else has been new over the past few months? Well, I got a job. I've been a stay at home mom for over 12 years. The thought of starting back to work just about gave me hives. But, we all have our crosses to bear, so I applied to a few places and waited. Because, you know, there is
such a demand for those who haven't worked on a computer since WordStar was popular. Anyhow, as luck would have it, I got a call, interviewed and while there, was actually offered the job! According to my daughter, since I was hired on the spot, the must have been desperate. Yeah, thanks a lot. Anyway, I set out to purchase something that didn't have an elastic waistband, or involve shoelaces. And pantyhose! Dear God, what was I getting myself into? I managed to find a few items and bring them home, rather proud of myself. However, upon trying on said purchases, I returned them to the store. Except the shoes. You can never have enough. And I'm sorry to say, I kept the hose as well. Next on my shopping list was a car. We sold one of our cars over the summer and have yet to replace it. During this time, Joe and I were talking about the job and how the 2 youngest would have to go to an after school program. My kids have
never been in a daycare at all. Declan was happy to finally have some kids his own age to play with. Maeve was not happy. I don't blame her at all. She's only 4 and wanted me to keep picking her up after school. Then she started waking up with nightmares. Every night. For a week. When the light dawned as to why, we realized that this was not going to work. We didn't want her to feel this kind of stress. I know that there are parents who don't have a choice and need to provide childcare so they can work. I get that. But I wasn't one of them. It was just not worth it. Once we told Maeve that I was going to stay home and life as we knew it was staying the same, the nightmares stopped. She is a happy girl once more. Now if I can find a job from home, I'm there! And I won't need another car either.
Also,we were going to Drama classes a few times each week, and Declan broke his pinkie finger while riding his bike. Thankfully he didn't hit his head, because he didn't wear his helmet. I'm hoping he learned his lesson. It's been no fun sitting out of gym class for a month while his finger heals. Poor baby.
I've been doing a few craft projects. The latest one is a burlap wreath. I really like how it turned out. I got together with Michelle the other day and put this one together. Whatcha think? I can't wait to put it up!
Also, this week, my daughter got braces! She is thrilled with them. Actually, I think she was just looking forward to getting blue rubber bands. The shirt she has on is from the orthodontist. (Um, HELLO! I'm the one who paid him. Where's MY shirt???) Anyhow, it says "Custom Grill Work" on it. Love it! She's decided it makes a pretty cool nightshirt.
We were told that as the day wore on, her teeth would start to become a little sore. Well, when I got home in the afternoon, I found her lying on her bed with an ice pack on her teeth! (Personally, I think the Drama classes may have added to this) Two days later, and she is good to go. The bonus is that she is bringing her tooth brush to school for after lunch! Gotta love that.
What else? Last week I signed up at a local gym for a 6 week session. Today, I went with Michelle to take the Kickboxing class. Oh. My. Goodness. I am
sore. I want to cry. My legs are hurting something awful. I'm making myself feel better by eating cookies. Tomorrow I am taking a weights class, so if I make it out alive, I will let you know how it went.
Ooh! Before I forget, tomorrow night is the Denim & Diamonds dance at my kids' middle school!! My 2 oldest kids are going. *Sqeal* You're darn right I'm going. I need to take pictures!
Have a nice night!!
1 comment:
I love your darling wreath! I am adding it to my friday favorites this week. It is so darling!
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