Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Wednesday!!

Happy hump day everyone! Today was a perfect day to take a nap. You know the kind, when it's raining and dreary outside. So, after Maeve and I took the rest of the tribe to school, we went back home and curled up on the sofa to spend the next 45 minutes drifting off. It was nice to just stay home and not leave the house until it was time to pick everyone up. I know Maeve loved it. We spent our time napping, playing games and doing puzzles. It was perfect. Of course, now it's 11 pm and I can't sleep.


lovingmytwoboys said...

I soooo wish Jo nas would do that with me. He is up at the crack of dawn and won't lay down because he might fall asleep! Glad you had a good restful day! Got your christmas card yesterday. The kids are beautiful!

Michelle Whitlow said...

Awwww, I love days like that!!

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