Monday, September 22, 2008

Menopause, the Musical

Last night a few friends and I went out. By ourselves, with NO KIDS!! This doesn't happen very often, if at all. We started off by going to a place called the Cannon. Almost every table was seated with women. It appears we all had the same plans. Anyhow, it's downtown Columbus and not a bad place. More like a college hangout/bar. I would have loved to order a drink, but since I was driving, I stuck to sweet tea. After dinner we walked over to the Springer Opera House and saw Menopause the Musical. If you've never heard of it, it is set in Bloomingdale's. Four women who have nothing in common meet over a lingerie table and the fun starts! It covers everything Menopause is about from hot flashes to weight gain, insomnia to sex (with your spouse and by yourself), and "Mother's Little Helper", aka Prozac! When I say that it's hysterical, I mean it. I laughed so hard until I cried. And not like my eyelashes were a little wet either. I had tears streaming down my face and falling onto my shirt. The audience is, of course, mostly women with a few token men here and there. If you've never seen it, you really should go. I would love to go back. It's worth it.

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