Don't forget, tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. Are you giving something up, or are you adding something to each day to make it better? My kids aren't happy because I make them do one or the other. I don't think it's to start to learn the lesson of sacrifice. However, if they don't come up with something on their own, I pick something for them.
Today, Aidan stayed home from school. He took his "mental health" day. We went out to lunch with Joe and Jason's Deli. I love their chicken salad with the almonds and pineapple in it. Sooooo good!! We also did some shopping and he got a new Bakugan toy. I'm not sure what the fascination is with those little things. I suppose it could be worse, so in the spirit of choosing my battles, I'm letting that one go.
I forgot to mention yesterday that over the weekend I saw a show on HBO called "Taking Chance" with Kevin Bacon. If you have the opportunity, I recommend watching it. It is really an incredible story of one marine escorting a deceased marine home. At the end, it shows real video footage of the deceased Marine, Chance Phelps, as a boy. Like I said, it is so good, but very sad.
On a happy note, I saw this on another blog (can't remember who's!) and thought it was so cute! So, I'm passing it on.

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