I "won" a gift by leaving one of the first 5 comments on http://jacilynndashwood.blogspot.com/ so now I'll see who my first 5 are. The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you!
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done sometime this year (I'll have it to you in a couple of weeks after I get mine).
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.
5-The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog! (then come here and post, I WILL check your blog *wink*) The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it! So....who will be the first 5 people?????
The first 5 people to leave a comment email me your address.mom2monkies@mchsi.com
Friday, February 27, 2009
Happy Birthday, Oceon!!!!
Boy did I drop the ball here. I would have sworn that today was the 26th. I even told my kids this morning that it was their cousin, Oceon's, 11th birthday today. Well, it was yesterday. My bad. I am sorry sweetie. So, happy belated birthday Oceon! We miss you so much and love you more than you know. I hope you had a great day!! Your present is on it's way!!!
Unlimited Energy
Joe has started working from home on Wednesdays, so in order to keep Maeve from bothering him, I took her to Monkey Joe's. It's going to be our "Wednesday thing" for a while. At one point I had to use the restroom, so I took Maeve in with me. Well, the toilet paper was not attached to the wall, and when I tried to place the roll back, it fell on the floor. Maeve picked up the paper end and gave a hard yank. At that point, the roll rolled right out under the door into the walk area! She kept pulling on the paper and it kept unraveling! She just thought it was the funniest thing, and it pretty much was! After 2 hours of running around, jumping and sliding, I practically had to drag her out of there! Any other child would be tired, hot or wanting lunch. Not Maeve. I think she only went to the bubbler once the whole time. She's already asking me if it's next Wednesday yet!! When we left, we went to Hobby Lobby before heading home. It has been a long time since I've been there and really love that place. I picked up a few tins that I want to alter. I've never done one, so I'm hoping it turns out alright.
Monkey Joe's
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fat Tuesday!!
I was talking to a friend earlier and she mentioned that it was Fat Tuesday. Since we never go out drinking, I totally forgot, but for lack of a creative title, I'm using it for this post!!
Don't forget, tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. Are you giving something up, or are you adding something to each day to make it better? My kids aren't happy because I make them do one or the other. I don't think it's to start to learn the lesson of sacrifice. However, if they don't come up with something on their own, I pick something for them.
Today, Aidan stayed home from school. He took his "mental health" day. We went out to lunch with Joe and Jason's Deli. I love their chicken salad with the almonds and pineapple in it. Sooooo good!! We also did some shopping and he got a new Bakugan toy. I'm not sure what the fascination is with those little things. I suppose it could be worse, so in the spirit of choosing my battles, I'm letting that one go.
I forgot to mention yesterday that over the weekend I saw a show on HBO called "Taking Chance" with Kevin Bacon. If you have the opportunity, I recommend watching it. It is really an incredible story of one marine escorting a deceased marine home. At the end, it shows real video footage of the deceased Marine, Chance Phelps, as a boy. Like I said, it is so good, but very sad.
On a happy note, I saw this on another blog (can't remember who's!) and thought it was so cute! So, I'm passing it on.
Don't forget, tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. Are you giving something up, or are you adding something to each day to make it better? My kids aren't happy because I make them do one or the other. I don't think it's to start to learn the lesson of sacrifice. However, if they don't come up with something on their own, I pick something for them.
Today, Aidan stayed home from school. He took his "mental health" day. We went out to lunch with Joe and Jason's Deli. I love their chicken salad with the almonds and pineapple in it. Sooooo good!! We also did some shopping and he got a new Bakugan toy. I'm not sure what the fascination is with those little things. I suppose it could be worse, so in the spirit of choosing my battles, I'm letting that one go.
I forgot to mention yesterday that over the weekend I saw a show on HBO called "Taking Chance" with Kevin Bacon. If you have the opportunity, I recommend watching it. It is really an incredible story of one marine escorting a deceased marine home. At the end, it shows real video footage of the deceased Marine, Chance Phelps, as a boy. Like I said, it is so good, but very sad.
On a happy note, I saw this on another blog (can't remember who's!) and thought it was so cute! So, I'm passing it on.

Taking Chance
Monday, February 23, 2009
So much is happening
I've been meaning to update my blog for a few days now, but just can never seem to find the time. I know most of you can relate! I signed up to run the Disney 1/2 marathon!!! Yes, I know it's not until next January, but when I tried to register for the one this year, it was full, so I decided to register for the 2010 one early. I am really super-excited about it. I have a year {almost} to get in shape and when the weather warms up a little bit, I plan on running either in the mornings, or at night. Plus, I'm still going to the gym, even though my husband told me he considers that "nothing". Um, WHAT? I don't see YOU in there!! :) ha!
I'm still on my diet, although it's not progressing as well as I'd hoped. It's those darn girl scout cookies! I need to get them out of the house. Otherwise, I'm eating exactly what I should be eating and God knows I'm sweatin' it at the gym 5X a week.
My son is signed up for baseball, which means that we now have no life. He has practice on Monday and Wednesday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings, for 2 hours, until the games start. It's a never ending thing here in the south. I swear, people take children's sports WAAAY to seriously. I mean it's supposed to be FUN for them, right? Hopefully I will be able to sit on the sidelines with my mouth shut this year. Hey, there's always a first!
I also went and saw Twilight again. My daughter and I went on Saturday night and got there about 6:30 for the 7pm show. We get our popcorn (yes, not on the diet plan) and get our seats, only to learn that the movie doesn't start until 7:20. Well, add 20 minutes of previews, and we had been sitting there waiting for an hour for the movie to start!! So worth it though. I could just sit in the theater and watch it over and over again. Of course, I'm still not done with the book! I'm debating on getting a Twilight t-shirt, but I think that might be a bit over the top. Jury is still out on that one.
Meanwhile, my youngest son has a small Webkinz stuffed animal that had a hole in it. He's been wanting it sewn up forever. Well, I finally broke out the needle and thread and got to work. Since I make it a habit not to sew, my husband ran for the camera! Can you imagine such a thing? Now he has actual proof that I do know what to do with the sewing kit his mom left at our house!! I'm afraid these people I live with are going to expect such things from me in the future...and I'm afraid!!
Oh, had to take my daughter to sell cookies outside PetSmart this weekend also. And, my poor pup had another seizure, only this time it was in front of all the kids. See, what did I tell ya? It's been busy at my abode. Have a great night. Gotta run, HOUSE is on.
I'm still on my diet, although it's not progressing as well as I'd hoped. It's those darn girl scout cookies! I need to get them out of the house. Otherwise, I'm eating exactly what I should be eating and God knows I'm sweatin' it at the gym 5X a week.
My son is signed up for baseball, which means that we now have no life. He has practice on Monday and Wednesday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings, for 2 hours, until the games start. It's a never ending thing here in the south. I swear, people take children's sports WAAAY to seriously. I mean it's supposed to be FUN for them, right? Hopefully I will be able to sit on the sidelines with my mouth shut this year. Hey, there's always a first!
I also went and saw Twilight again. My daughter and I went on Saturday night and got there about 6:30 for the 7pm show. We get our popcorn (yes, not on the diet plan) and get our seats, only to learn that the movie doesn't start until 7:20. Well, add 20 minutes of previews, and we had been sitting there waiting for an hour for the movie to start!! So worth it though. I could just sit in the theater and watch it over and over again. Of course, I'm still not done with the book! I'm debating on getting a Twilight t-shirt, but I think that might be a bit over the top. Jury is still out on that one.
Meanwhile, my youngest son has a small Webkinz stuffed animal that had a hole in it. He's been wanting it sewn up forever. Well, I finally broke out the needle and thread and got to work. Since I make it a habit not to sew, my husband ran for the camera! Can you imagine such a thing? Now he has actual proof that I do know what to do with the sewing kit his mom left at our house!! I'm afraid these people I live with are going to expect such things from me in the future...and I'm afraid!!
Oh, had to take my daughter to sell cookies outside PetSmart this weekend also. And, my poor pup had another seizure, only this time it was in front of all the kids. See, what did I tell ya? It's been busy at my abode. Have a great night. Gotta run, HOUSE is on.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
How did THAT get in there?
Last night I sat my youngest daughter down to read a story before bed, when she leaned her head back. I caught a flash of something pink inside her nose! What the heck?? I asked her what she put in there and she said "a round thing". None of my other kids ever stuck things in there nose! Where in the world did she get this from, and why didn't she tell me that it was stuck up there? I guess she never had any intention of telling me at all because it was apparently up there all day! I tried and tried to get her to blow her nose so it could come out, but that did not work. I am not even going to get into the details, but I got it out. It was a small rubber band. I debated taking a picture, but thought better about it. It was nasty from her crying anyway. Besides, if I want you to ever come back and read what's going on in my life again, I didn't want to frighten you!!
My oldest daughter has read all the Twilight books. She has been after me to take her to the movies. Of course, when I was all set, it was gone from the theater! However, this past weekend it showed up at the dollar theater!! Now, when my friend asked me to go, she said it was a dollar theater, but I just figured it was cheaper than the regular one. I was genuinely shocked to find out that it was actually a dollar! From now on, if I don't need to see a movie right away, I'm waiting. I mean, when I take 3 of my kids to see something, after admission and popcorn, I've spent over $50. And I'm not kidding. This was far better. By the way, I took her to see Twilight, and I have to say I am totally addicted!! I can't wait to read the books. That mean vampire, James, as well as Edward, can chew on my neck any time they want!! Woo Hoo!
I also went to the gym today. I needed to go after polishing off a box of Girl Scout cookies earlier. Thin mints are great, aren't they? At least they are no longer in the house so I can't have anymore. Except for the frozen ones. Hmmmm....gotta run. Have a great night!!
My oldest daughter has read all the Twilight books. She has been after me to take her to the movies. Of course, when I was all set, it was gone from the theater! However, this past weekend it showed up at the dollar theater!! Now, when my friend asked me to go, she said it was a dollar theater, but I just figured it was cheaper than the regular one. I was genuinely shocked to find out that it was actually a dollar! From now on, if I don't need to see a movie right away, I'm waiting. I mean, when I take 3 of my kids to see something, after admission and popcorn, I've spent over $50. And I'm not kidding. This was far better. By the way, I took her to see Twilight, and I have to say I am totally addicted!! I can't wait to read the books. That mean vampire, James, as well as Edward, can chew on my neck any time they want!! Woo Hoo!
I also went to the gym today. I needed to go after polishing off a box of Girl Scout cookies earlier. Thin mints are great, aren't they? At least they are no longer in the house so I can't have anymore. Except for the frozen ones. Hmmmm....gotta run. Have a great night!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
In a funk
I really love to scrapbook, but lately I've been in a creative funk. I just can't seem to get going. I have an awesome room that's just mine, so space isn't an issue. I'm hoping that it passes soon and I can get some layouts and cards done. In the meantime, check out this blog for some great candy!!
http://moralia.wordpress.com/ (fabulous stuff!)
Have a nice day!!
http://moralia.wordpress.com/ (fabulous stuff!)
Have a nice day!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
this and that
My dog, Molly, is now having seizures. It's a scary thing to watch. We are not sure what is causing them. She is a beagle and only 3 years old. Some breeds are more prone to having them than others. Unfortunately, she is one of those breeds. The vet said that unless I can get her in to see them within 2 hours of it happening, they won't be able to tell what caused it. The other night, she had her seizure after 9pm, so I couldn't bring her in. I was told that we could give her medication, but it causes some horrible side effects and will leave her pretty much doped up everyday. No thanks. Otherwise, we just have to make sure she doesn't hurt herself while we suffer through watching her have one. Nice, huh? I never considered myself a dog person. I have had dogs before, but I much prefer cats. That was, until I found Molly. She is MY dog.
On to more pleasant news. I've lost 10 pounds!! And I've gone down a size in jeans. Yea me!! I took yesterday "off" from the gym and I have to say, I missed it. How sick is that? I don't want Maeve to get sick of going everyday, so I'm not going on Wednesdays. I'll make up for it on Saturday. Today I took a kickboxing class and I seriously thought I was going to be sick. We had a new teacher testing for the summer launch, so we had new moves. All I can say is that I had better lose my weight before the summer, because today was HARD!
I need your opinion on something. My daughter Aislinn is a very good student. I'm not just saying it because I am her mother either! Her teacher, the last 2 days, has left her in charge of the classroom while she is out. She has asked her to write down the names of the kids who are talking on the board. (Aislinn loved this, by the way, but she does not abuse the "power" and only does what is asked of her.) However, yesterday, one of the other girls got in her face about it and took her name off the board. Later on in the day, when a few of the girls were in the wrong classroom, the girl told on ONLY Aislinn. I emailed the teacher asking her to not have Aislinn monitor the class because of this. She's not getting beat up or anything, but I don't want her to be picked on either. If it continues, she will be left out of things and the kids will not like her. I know, I've been there. Anyhow, what do you think?
Have a nice day!!
On to more pleasant news. I've lost 10 pounds!! And I've gone down a size in jeans. Yea me!! I took yesterday "off" from the gym and I have to say, I missed it. How sick is that? I don't want Maeve to get sick of going everyday, so I'm not going on Wednesdays. I'll make up for it on Saturday. Today I took a kickboxing class and I seriously thought I was going to be sick. We had a new teacher testing for the summer launch, so we had new moves. All I can say is that I had better lose my weight before the summer, because today was HARD!
I need your opinion on something. My daughter Aislinn is a very good student. I'm not just saying it because I am her mother either! Her teacher, the last 2 days, has left her in charge of the classroom while she is out. She has asked her to write down the names of the kids who are talking on the board. (Aislinn loved this, by the way, but she does not abuse the "power" and only does what is asked of her.) However, yesterday, one of the other girls got in her face about it and took her name off the board. Later on in the day, when a few of the girls were in the wrong classroom, the girl told on ONLY Aislinn. I emailed the teacher asking her to not have Aislinn monitor the class because of this. She's not getting beat up or anything, but I don't want her to be picked on either. If it continues, she will be left out of things and the kids will not like her. I know, I've been there. Anyhow, what do you think?
Have a nice day!!
dog seizures,
teachers pet,
weight loss
Monday, February 2, 2009
Blog Candy Alert!!!
The following blogs are offering some great candy! Go check them out and maybe you'll be lucky enough to win!!
blog candy
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy February!!
I am so excited - I finished our taxes last night!! Yippee!! I think this is the first time ever I've been done and had them filed in January. Of course, if I had to owe, I would have waited until April. We should be getting our refund in less than 2 weeks!! Thank God we don't live in California, or we'd get an IOU. Can you imagine?? I hope the people who are getting an IOU are not in dire need of that money, and that they get it pretty quickly.
I took 3 of my kids to the movies today. We saw Mall Cop. It was pretty cute. My kids enjoyed it and there were some really funny scenes. I imagine that there are some security guards who won't find it funny. I had popcorn while we were there and now I feel sick to my stomach. Not to mention, when we came home from the theater, my husband had a bunch of chocolate chip cookies cooling on the stove! So, my diet is in the tank today. Serves me right. Tomorrow I will hit the gym early. Anyhow, Pink Panther is coming out next weekend and I cannot wait to see it. I just love Steve Martin. I need to work on staying away from the popcorn though.
Anyone watch the Superbowl tonight? I usually watch it, but this year I only turned on the TV to see the halftime show. Bruce Springsteen is still as cute as evah! I remember years ago my mother and I saw him in Orlando. We sat behind the stage, in some great seats. Not only were we pretty close to the stage, but we had a great view. Even when he wasn't turned around singing to those of us in the back!!
So, if you saw the game, what was your favorite commercial?
I took 3 of my kids to the movies today. We saw Mall Cop. It was pretty cute. My kids enjoyed it and there were some really funny scenes. I imagine that there are some security guards who won't find it funny. I had popcorn while we were there and now I feel sick to my stomach. Not to mention, when we came home from the theater, my husband had a bunch of chocolate chip cookies cooling on the stove! So, my diet is in the tank today. Serves me right. Tomorrow I will hit the gym early. Anyhow, Pink Panther is coming out next weekend and I cannot wait to see it. I just love Steve Martin. I need to work on staying away from the popcorn though.
Anyone watch the Superbowl tonight? I usually watch it, but this year I only turned on the TV to see the halftime show. Bruce Springsteen is still as cute as evah! I remember years ago my mother and I saw him in Orlando. We sat behind the stage, in some great seats. Not only were we pretty close to the stage, but we had a great view. Even when he wasn't turned around singing to those of us in the back!!
So, if you saw the game, what was your favorite commercial?
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