Thursday, August 19, 2010

Debt free living. It's a struggle.

Living debt free is my goal.  Although, when you first start out trying to become debt free, it's hard.  As a matter of fact, it downright sucks.  Especially when you have four kids and one is a preteen!  They don't understand why we won't go out to dinner like we used to, or buy new things whenever we want to.  Before you start to worry (hello, mom!) we are not broke.  My husband makes a nice living for us.  I'm just tired of looking around the house and wondering where his paycheck goes.  Can I get an AMEN!  And it's not like we blow money left and right.  For example, my television is years old.  Our goal is to only owe on our house.  In our effort to live debt free, we've cut out certain things like having a cell phone (I heard you gasp!) and even a second car.  Both of which we got rid of last year.  It's not easy having only one car, but certainly doable if you are willing to make the sacrifice.  Much to the horror of my kids, they will find out this afternoon when they get home from school, that I've cancelled cable!  No, I'm not trying to be cruel to them, they have other things to keep them entertained.  I just don't want them turning into zombies every afternoon.  I've been reading other blogs where families only spend $50 per person, per month, on groceries!  I'm not there yet.  Not even close.  I can't seem to get out of the store without spending way more than that.  However, that's the kind of habit I'm trying to break.  I'm trying to make a menu for the week and only buy the food that's needed.  I also painted the side of my pantry door so I can write down my menu plans, which will hopefully keep me from forgetting what the menu was in the first place!   Are you living debt free?  Do you have any suggestions or hints for me?  I'd love to hear them.  Not debt free, but want to be, then join me on this journey!

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