Monday, July 19, 2010

Girls Day Out

On Saturday, I took my daugher, Aislinn, out for the day.  Just the two of us.  We had a nice time.  A few weeks ago, when Joe took the rest of the gang to Florida, Aislinn stayed behind with me.  My plan was to get a bunch of house cleaning and yardwork done.  Especially since I was going to be without a car.  My parents ended up coming up for a vist that week, so they helped me in the yard.  My mom likes to do yardwork.  She loves to plant flowers, etc.  Me, I didn't get that gene.  I kill plants.  See.  It's sad, really.

I don't do it on purpose.  As a matter of fact, I think I kill them with kindness.  And overwatering.  At least that's my story.  Anyhow, Aislinn did a lot of yardwork, too.  I'm sure she was wishing she went to Florida after all.  Anyhow, I decided to do something nice for her.  So, Saturday I took her to get her first pedicure and manicure!!  Her toes look so cute!!

I love the polka dots.  The polish is hot pink.  It almost makes me wish I were a 12 year old girl.   After the salon, we went over to the movie theater and saw Eclipse!!

Hmm?  Oh, sorry.  I was looking at the picture and lost my train of thought.  Ahem.  She hadn't seen it yet.  Me?  I've seen it twice.   I think it's the best one, so far.  Once the movie was done, we went shopping. I had a gift certificate for Macy's that I got for my birthday last month.  I turned 40.  (Hey, I can say that without hyperventilating now!!)  Anyhow, they happened to be having a one-day sale and I scored 2 outfits for $80 off!  Gotta love a sale :)  On our way home, we stopped at a Chinese restaurant and got take-out for dinner.  Cause who wants to cook after a day like this, that's what I'd like to know? 


shortmama said...

Those are cute little polka dot toes!

Im hoping to get to see Eclipse this week, fingers crossed

Anonymous said...

Aislinn feet are so sexy. Want to caress and lick them and tongue and suck her toes.

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