Last week my youngest son had VBS. All of 25 kids registered, but on the first night, 77 kids showed up!! What?? Don't parents realize that volunteers need to be set up for these things, not to mention activities and food need to be purchased. How can you not sign your child up and expect that everything will be taken care of when you just drop them off! I'm not sure why this kind of thing surprises me anymore, but it does. Personally, I would have sent the kids home. I know that's probably mean, and certainly not the kids' fault, but unless these rude parents feel a bit of pain, nothing will change. (These are probably the same parents who do not RSVP to a birthday party, but that's another post all together, so don't get me started!) At any rate, the church is used to this behavior and was ready for it. Back to my son, at first he didn't want to go, but being the good mom that I am, I made him. Actually, I knew he would have a great time if he gave it a chance, and he did. How could you not have fun when you get to make s'mores!!
From then on, he was all set to go. Each night they had dinner for the kids, so you know I was happy! On the last night, they had dinner for the families as well. And my son had a salad!! If you know my kids and their aversion to anything green, then you'd know that this is a huge step!! Made his momma proud. :)
Yesterday was Father's Day! So on Saturday, Maeve woke up at 7am. Joe was already up, so the 2 of them sat in the kitchen and played with Play-Do. Somehow, they got on the subject of bunnies. While they both agreed that they liked bunnies, Maeve decided that she liked chocolate bunnies better. (who doesn't?) When she then told Joe that Sunday was Easter, he told her that it was, in fact, Father's Day. Then she lets out a huge gasp and says that she has to call Papa!! So there my husband sits, playing with Maeve at 7am, and she wants to call her grandfather on Father's day! What about dear old dad?? Poor guy! That's OK Joe, we love you (and you, too Papa!)
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